Planting Coconut Palms: A Tree That Keeps Giving!
There are as many as 1500 species of Palms. The Coconut Palm is probably the best known and definitely one of the most beautiful in the world. Their beauty may be a virtue, but their many uses make the Coconut Palm a magnificent tree. It is said that the Coconut Palm ranks among the ten most useful trees in the world. I’m a believer!
When you pass through the gates at Refugio de Los Angeles, one of the first sights that greets you is an ancient Coconut Palm that has lived on the property for decades…This productive coconut palm has provided many treats to all who visit the farm.
Coconut water is a favorite drink, especially after working on the land. The oil and milk from the coconut’s flesh are special ingredients for cooking. Coconut curries and delicious desserts made from the meat and milk of the coconut are favorites.
Foe of Coconut Palm Trees: Big Black Beetle
We blend coconut oil with the wax from our bees to make cosmetics. And there are many other contributions the Coconut Palm gives so generously! Sadly, this magnificent palm is in danger. The culprit is the Rhinoceros beetle…Up in the hills of the Pacific slope where the temperatures are cooler, the Rhinoceros beetle attacks and kills Coconut Palms by boring into the center of the crown, disrupting new growth. This pest has decimated the Coconut Palm population on Refugio de Los Angeles. Every planting season more trees are planted. Before putting the palms in the ground they are examined for the deadly predator…
If this pest is discovered, it is destroyed…
Now the beetle-free trees are ready for planting…
Renal, Demercio and Darwin place and plant the Coconut Palms…
Over the years hundreds of these trees have been planted on the property.
Successful Planting Season
As our 2018 planting season nears its end, the last Coconut Palm waits to be planted…It is certain that when planting season comes again, the planting Coconut Palms will continue and the many gifts these magnificent trees give us will be treasured!